OH4 Heat Transfer System

Discover the future of energy efficiency with our groundbreaking OH4 Heat Transfer System. Designed to revolutionise the way you heat and cool your space, our self-adhesive, pre-programmed magnetic tape offers a hassle-free solution that not only saves you money but also potentially reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Say goodbye to skyrocketing fuel prices and hello to a greener tomorrow with an affordable and easy-to-install system that’s paving the way towards a more sustainable future.

OH4 Tape

Solving today’s energy problems to ensure a brighter future for everyone

Introducing OH4 Heat Transfer System

Introducing our game-changing OH4 Heat Transfer System, featuring revolutionary self-adhesive, pre-programmed magnetic tape engineered to reduce fuel usage in heating and cooling systems. By simply applying this innovative tape to the cold water feed and heating return pipes, you unlock a new level of efficiency. Experience enhanced heat transfer capabilities as the fluid in the pipes operates at optimal efficiency, ultimately leading to significant improvements in your heating and cooling system’s performance. Say hello to savings and efficiency with OH4 Heat Transfer.

Saving you money whilst you save the plane

Tackling The Problem

In today’s world, the urgency of addressing climate change is undeniable, requiring a multifaceted approach to combat its effects. According to the UN Global Status Report, approximately 30% of greenhouse gas emissions stem from the environmental impact of heating and cooling premises. To truly make a meaningful dent in reducing global warming, this issue demands our immediate attention and action.

Beyond the environmental concerns, the escalating costs of gas, electricity, and oil are placing immense strain on families and businesses alike, exacerbating the issue of fuel poverty within our society. As we strive for sustainability, it’s imperative that we tackle both the environmental and economic aspects of this challenge head-on.

Tackling the Problem

Empowering Success Together

How Can This Help Me?

The OH4 Heat Transfer System introduces a pioneering solution to the challenges of heating and cooling premises, offering both environmental and economic benefits. Through the use of self-adhesive, pre-programmed magnetic tape, this innovative system enhances heat transfer efficiency, potentially leading to significant reductions in fuel usage and greenhouse gas emissions. By optimising system performance, users can expect lower energy consumption, resulting in cost savings on utility bills while also contributing to environmental sustainability efforts by addressing a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. The system’s easy installation process makes it accessible to a wide range of users, and participation in the European Union Environmental Technology Verification scheme underscores OH4’s commitment to product quality, safety, and environmental responsibility, providing assurance to consumers regarding its effectiveness and reliability.


At OH4, our commitment to excellence drives us to continually test and refine our products, ensuring they meet the highest standards of safety and effectiveness. That’s why we’ve partnered with esteemed institutions like the University of Exeter for independent testing, validating the performance and reliability of our solutions.

Furthermore, we’re proud to announce that we’ve applied to the European Union Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) scheme, further underscoring our dedication to transparency and environmental stewardship. Rest assured, with OH4, you’re getting a product that not only delivers results but also priorities environmental responsibility.


What our Customers Say
